Quest Giver:
Yeachtan in Tscha.
"The sailor Yeachtan normally ships goods between Euran and Tscha, but due to the monster plague he lost big parts of his packages. These packages are spread all over Tscha, Arilla, and Mordan. When you collect all 12 packages for him, you will get a huge reward. You will find Yeachtan near the portal of Taswan."
Yeachtan's Packages can be found at following locations: You can also use this map to aid you.
 | 1. Tscha: Taswan - On the west side of Tscha, next to a pier west of Item Merchant. |
 | 2. Tscha: Tscha - East of Harbor in Southern part ofTscha is a cordoned area guarded by Fire Shard. It can be reached only by a raft or ship. |
 | 3. Tscha: Chain of Islands - On the southern tip of a small island to North-West of Tscha. |
 | 4. Arilla: Barren Jungle - There is a camp with Savant in southern part of Barren Jungle. Just to north of the Savant is next package. |
 | 5. Arilla: Barren Jungle - South-West from location of 4; it's just East of the Healer and Smith. |
 | 6. Arilla: Green Shimmer Forest - As you enter Shimmer Forest from east, just north of second Well is another package. |
 | 7. Arilla: Green Shimmer Forest - Head north-west from the Wheel of Luck lottery in Felad. There is a package near a tombstone. |
 | 8. Mordan: Teardrop Mountains - South-west of entrance to Mine Shaft a package is guarded by some Backsliders. |
 | 9. Mordan: Teardrop Mountains - On the eastern side of Teardrop Mountains another package is guarded by Hairy Shadows. |
 | 10. Mordan: Vast Snowland - On the very northern tip of Vast Snowland, North-east of hunter that gives quest to collect Stolen Helmets, is a package. A bag with Rainbow Medal is also next to it. |
 | 11. Mordan: Burning Steppe - On the west coast of Burning Steppe, another package is guarded by a Giant Spider. |
 | 12. Mordan: Burning Steppe - On the north-west coast of Burning Steppe there is Horheim dungeon and final package is near it. Need a ship to access it. |
Quest Reward:
- Lottery Upgrade
- Big Stork x 2
- Big Gorilla
- Big Turtle