Misc. Items [Items]


Simple Torch
Giant Torch
Magical Torch Wand


Water Bottle
Fruit Juice
Piece of Cake
Beer Barrel

Attribute (Temporary)

Boost of Velocity
Boost of Force
Boost of Speed
Boost of Will
Boost of Size
Boost of Resistance
Boost of Luck
Boost of Power
Boost of Savvy
Boost of Stamina
Boost of Wisdom

Attribute (Permanent)

Small Gorilla
Medium Gorilla
Big Gorilla
Small Turtle
Medium Turtle
Big Turtle
Small Mouse
Medium Mouse
Big Mouse
Small Ladybug
Medium Ladybug
Big Ladybug
Small Stork
Medium Stork
Big Stork
Small Panda
Medium Panda
Big Panda

Condition Flasks

Antidote Flask
Anti Bound Flask
Anti Slowed Flask
Anti Dazed Flask
Anti Worsened Flask
Haste Flask
Sniper Flask
Protection Flask

Bag Expansion/Licenses

Recovery Expander
Misc Expander
Armor Expander
Weapon Expander
Amulet License
Ring License

Skill Scrolls

Initial Strike (Scroll)
Blocker (Scroll)
Gentleman (Scroll)
Be Full (Scroll)
United Power (Scroll)
Resistance Master (Scroll)
Poison Resistance (Scroll)
Sniper Master (Scroll)
Common Confidence (Scroll)
Bound Resistance (Scroll)
Flash Fighter (Scroll)
Meat Ball (Scroll)
Power Blade (Scroll)
Daredevil (Scroll)
Daze Resistance (Scroll)
Worsened Resist. (Scroll)
Be Really Full (Scroll)
Skill Master (Scroll)
Who Knows? (Scroll)
Item Master (Scroll)
Pearl Rain (Scroll)
XP Rain (Scroll)
Coin Collector (Scroll)
Endurance Master (Scroll)
Enchanted Resist. (Scroll)
Shield Bash (Scroll)
Earth Crusher (Scroll)
Star's Fury (Scroll)
Lighting Strike (Scroll)
Second Moon's Wrath (Scroll)
Titan's Hammer (Scroll)
Eternal Pierce (Scroll)
Painful Aim (Scroll)
Speedy Riposte (Scroll)
Hydra Byte (Scroll)
Heaven's Call (Scroll)
Hellish Volley (Scroll)
Call of the Twin (Scroll)
Guard's Strike (Scroll)
Faceslapper (Scroll)
Piercing Charge (Scroll)
Orion's Gift (Scroll)
Charming Slicer (Scroll)
Knightly Lance (Scroll)
Head Twister (Scroll)
Maniac's Wish (Scroll)
Dual Strike (Scroll)
Twirling Rampage (Scroll)
Salto Mortale (Scroll)
Insanity's Edge (Scroll)
Annoying Needles (Scroll)
Epsilon's Curse (Scroll)
Acid Teardrop (Scroll)
Noxious Bell (Scroll)
Zydirio's Revenge (Scroll)
The Gift (Scroll)
Moon Strike (Scroll)
Flamy Gorge (Scroll)
Bombing Raid (Scroll)
Dragon's Breath (Scroll)
Child of Thunder (Scroll)
Starchaser (Scroll)
X-Ray Review (Scroll)
Cure (Scroll)
Ring of Warmth (Scroll)
Multi Cure (Scroll)
Power Cure (Scroll)
Protection (Scroll)
Defense Wall (Scroll)
Defense Barrier (Scroll)
Shake Up (Scroll)
Wellness Wind (Scroll)
You're Good (Scroll)
Disenchantment (Scroll)
Haste (Scroll)
Magic Light (Scroll)
Fruit Rain (Scroll)
Revive (Scroll)

Fight Patterns

Fight Pattern 01
Fight Pattern 02
Fight Pattern 03
Fight Pattern 04
Fight Pattern 05
Fight Pattern 06
Fight Pattern 07
Fight Pattern 08
Fight Pattern 09
Fight Pattern 10
Fight Pattern 11
Fight Pattern 12
Fight Pattern 13
Fight Pattern 14
Fight Pattern 15
Fight Pattern 16
Fight Pattern 17
Fight Pattern 18
Fight Pattern 19
Fight Pattern 20
Fight Pattern 21
Fight Pattern 22